Survival Analysis Note

This lecture note is based on UTMDA/GSBS GS01 1023: Survival Analysis. All the lecture notes will provide an introduction to associated theory for the analysis of censored failure time data. Becuase this course mainly discuss the commonly-used methods with heuristic arguments and intuitive explanation of their properties, I will also include my own reading notes on incomplete observations and other types of continuous-time processes such as arise with competing risks data, multivariate failure time data, counting processes approaches, martingale and large-sample properties of estimators and tests, and some possible extensions.

Statistical Inference Note

This lecture note is based on Rice STAT 532: Foundations of Statistical Inference I and Rice STAT 533: Foundations of Statistical Inference II. All the lecture notes will provide an advanced introduction to the mathematical theory of statistics, including comprehensive measure-theoretic probability, common families of distributions, statistical decision theory, statistics, and estimation.